Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

QuickLogger Wrapper for .NET and DotNetCore
QuickLogger Dependency Injection Extensions and Standard Logging adapters for ASPNetCore.
JLocalizer is simple default json based localization provider, can used external resource for localization like database/web api/xml/json.
Code translator For Conversion from C# to VB - VB-C# addon to creaet a vulkan window with crow gui support.
Animações em Windows Forms
Xamarin.Forms Library that targets Android and iOS, to trim videos
This lib helps you to create a class at runtime from a JSON. It means that you don't need to change your class every time a JSON that you consume has changed.
Combines the power of raw SQL with the convenience of an ORM
Serilog helper methods, properties, objects etc.
Low-level bindings for WebGPU used in WaveEngine
Low-level bindings for WebGPU used in WaveEngine
Auth(entication + orization)-centric helper methods, properties, objects etc.
This C# SDK makes it easier to consume the Wayback Machine Rest API for creating snapshots of websites. You get easy methods for creating snapshots or checking if snapshots are available. Documentation - Wayback Mach...
This C# .NET client makes it easier to consume the Wayback Machine Rest API for creating snapshots of websites. You get easy methods for creating snapshots or checking if snapshots are available. - Documentation - - Way...
Genesis is a general-purpose, plugin-extensible code generation framework for Unity. This package enables a developer to write a code-generation plugin for v2 Genesis.
Useful (most of) extensions (most of), targeting .net7, c#
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
Productivity Tool: Azure Extensions and helper Data Models
User Authentication with one Provider for CosmosDb Table