Top 20 NuGet azurefunctions Packages

This package contains Azure Functions and Azure WebJobs binding extensions for Web Push Protocol based client for Push Service.
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap into a webjobs or azure functions application by just using the correct extension method. This adds additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
AzureFunctionsV1.DependencyInjection Package provides you an easy way to implement dependencies between classes in your .NET Framework Azure Function Projects ( Azure Function v1).
This package contains extensions for Azure KeyVault.
This package contains binding extensions for RethinkDB.
WebJobs/Azure Functions trigger providing reading and writing MongoDB documents directly to your functions
A custom binding for MS SQL Server which can be used in an Azure Function project.
Extension Attribute to Azure Functions v3, that allows to obtain ClaimsPrincipal on a request. Currently supports key load from Azure B2C by jwks_uri, Firebase Auth and simple JsonWebKey. Pluggable on Azure Function Startup
Adds support for configuring web jobs to the hosted application by convention.
Adds support for configuring web jobs to the hosted application by convention.
Package Description
CDS client binding for Azure Functions
This package contains binding extensions for Azure Mobile Apps.
Library that allows you to host a WebApi application inside of an Azure Functions project.
Firebase Cloud Messaging for Azure Functions
Easily validate Auth0 tokens within an Azure Function.
Azure Functions Bindings for App Center Push
Microsoft Azure WebJobs AzureFunctions
Extended Azure Functions Templates. (DI and example code)