Top 20 NuGet aws Packages
A .NET library for Amazon's EC2 service.
NLog target for Amazon SQS
As of 5.0, services are divided into separate packages. This is a legacy package, containing updated AWSAppender.CloudWatch, AWSAppender.CloudWatchLogs and AWSAppender.Core. It is recommended you include those libraries as individual packages. You can also use this package to reference older version...
Crypteron Security Framework Core Library shared by CipherDB, CipherStor, CipherObject and other products.
Exira.EbsBackup is a console application which backs up EBS volumes on a rotating schedule
An MBrace cluster implementation on top of AWS PaaS.
Bundles a standalone executable for setup of local worker instances.
A light-weight message bus on top of AWS SNS and SQS
Upload zip files to the AWS S3 service
Use GMail sending letters to other people
Line notifies users
Implementation of Butterfly.Message for AWS Simple Email Service
The XDMessaging library provides an easy-to-use, zero configuration solution to inter-process communication for .NET applications. It provides a simple API for broadcasting and receiving messages across application domain, process, and even network boundaries.
This library provides:
- an intuitive API for modelling workflows with Amazon's SimpleWorkflow service
- mechanism to automatically exchange data between chained activities/workflows
- mechanism to automatically retry failed activities/workflows up to a max number of attempts
Exira.AwsS3Cache is an IIS module which reads cached objects from AWS S3 and quickly serves them to end users
Exira.Route53Updater is a console application which updates a Route 53 record with the current EC2 hostname
A wrapper to help with spinning up and tearing down a local instance of DynamoDb
Implements caching in Redis (including AWS ElastiCache implementation) for Linq2DynamoDb.DataContext.
(Signed) ServiceStack integration for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Extends the MediaStash.Lib and provides AWS integration.