Top 20 NuGet aws Packages
Signature Version 4 is the process to add authentication information to AWS requests sent by HTTP. This library simplifys the process and returns ready to use an authorization and the x-amz-date headers.
Amazon Lambda Hosting support for .NET Core 3.0+
AWS CDK SQS Construct with alarms and dead letter queue
A package that helps to use all common OCRs (Windows, Tesseract, Azure, AWS, Google)
CDK Construct for AWS Lambda in Golang (Stability: Experimental)
Implode your AWS CDK Stack after set amount of time, save money, be happy! (Stability: Experimental)
CDK Construct for creating Athena WorkGroups (Stability: Stable)
A simple CDK seeder for SQL Server RDS databases. (Stability: Experimental)
Nodatime to DynamoDB conversions