Top 20 NuGet automation Packages

With this custom activity for more extended file/folder operations. This plugin comes with the following features. - Get File Extension - Get Size - Get Created Time - Get Last Modified Time - Get Last Accessed Time - Path Exists with Timeout - Get ...
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
Connect C# SDK autogenerated from Haxe sources.
Accelerate the creation of .NET Core 3.x API projects with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log settings, etc.
Accelerate the creation of .NET Core 3.x API projects exposing IoT Hub features (Azure IoTHub C# SDK) with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log ...
A set of Selenium extension methods to find elements using machine learning models.
A set of machine learning models to predict if an image is a certain type of web element.
You can use UIDeskAutomation to create automated tasks for Windows applications based on their user interface. This library uses managed Microsoft UI Automation API (which is part of .NET Framework - System.Windows.Automation namespace).
Package Description
You can use UIDeskAutomation.Automation3.0 to create automated tasks for Windows applications (both desktop and browser) based on their user interface. This library uses Microsoft Windows Automation API 3.0 (the unmanaged version of UI Automation API which is located in Windows\System32\UIAutomation...
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
Enables the power of Selenium's Web browser Automation in Thaan RPA
Release notes0.1.3:Added New UiPath Activities LogonSSO, TreeItem_DoubleClick, Get Status Text. Changes: Login (Removed LoginWindowName Input-will be found automatically), Fixed bug for GetLabelText, Get_textBox_Value. Main Purpose: Automate SAP GUI Client using GUI Script, Ui Path Activities for ma...
Package Description
CLI (command line integration) parser, for reading Gravity formatted text commands.
Package Description
Contains adapters for SqlClient interoperability with the Automation Foundation framework.
Contains adapters for Entity Framework Core interoperability with the Automation Foundation framework.