Top 20 NuGet automation Packages

An extension that helps with building installers for .Net applications and websites with WiX. It's like Heat, but simpler and more focused for .Net development.
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Make sure the File Conflict dialog is popped up.
My package description.
Common configuration, helper and abstraction classes used by other TestEasy packages
Light object model shim that abstracts Selenium WebDriver operations and simplifies running test automation with multiple browsers. SeleniumShim uses implicit retry until timeout loops within calls to FindElement and user actions on IWebElement objects which solves race conditions and problems with ...
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Make sure the latest stable version is displayed in dialog.
Programatically control IIS Express.
Apply configuration transforms in memory to any XML document.
Provides Microsoft Azure Automation management operations including the ability to create, update and delete runbooks and schedules.
This automation framework is build on top of Selenium to simplify and expedite development of UI testing.
Selenium utilities and helpers.
An abstraction utilizing RimDev Automation libraries.
An Expect-inspired .NET library for accessing console I/O of processes.
A simple and easy to use load testing framework for .NET
This lib is to helper tester to automation the SAP Gui
Provides helper functions for setting up and tearing down SQL Server database fakes for use in integration testing.
WbTstr.Net is a fork of FluentAutomation which provides a fluent syntax to write your tests.
automation, performance, race and test extensions for dapper-net / dapper-js node project.