Top 20 NuGet autofixture Packages
Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with FakeItEasy.
Utilities for Autofixture and AutoMapper
Utilities for Autofixture and Entity Framework
Utilities for Autofixture and xUnit
Utilities for Autofixture, Xunit and AutoMapper
Test base class and utility methods.
The purpose of this project is to allow that Autofixture to create your Akka.Net actors in your tests with Xunit2.
By leveraging some features of MSTest, this extension turns AutoFixture into a declarative framework for writing unit tests. In many ways it becomes a unit testing DSL (Domain Specific Language).
Utilities for Autofixture
Utilities for Autofixture, xUnit and Data Access
AutoSitecore is a customization of AutoFixture for creating NSubstitute Sitecore Items.
A collection of extensions for unit testing projects using xunit and AutoFixture.
Unit test stack with Xunit, AutoFixture, NSubstitute and some helpers
Overriding constructor parameters for AutoFixture

FixtureBase cuts the cost of unit testing. Intelligent, rule-driven, autofaking fixtures get you straight to your test with all your dependencies setup and ready to go.
Don't spend hours writing code to mock a dozen dependencies, and more hours debugging it. Just write your test code, and let FixtureBase create the dependencies for you.
FixtureBase constructs your UnitUnderTest to test your codebase end-to-end, with external dependencies auto-faked and automatical...
A dummy factory for Packaging types.
A dummy factory for Cron types.
A dummy factory for Telemetry types.
A dummy factory for FileJanitor types.