Top 20 NuGet autofixture Packages

A Dummy Factory for types in Naos.Service.Domain
A Dummy Factory for types in Naos.Http.Domain
Experiment.AutoFixture supports auto data using AutoFixture library in parameterized tests.
AutoFixture NodaTime generators
The consolidation NuGet of multiple nugets, all aimed at making some QoL improvements, like .Batch() for IEnumerable Linq and an IOC json "dbcontext" and generic repository
A library aimed to minimize the setup of Entity Framework Core unit-testing database providers in conjunction with AutoFixture.
Extending AutoFixture.AutoMoq to automatically Setup all calls on a mocked interface or abstract class.
AutoFixture support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
Simply a bunch of extension methods that might help any developer
This contains a very useful extension method for AutoFixture that allows you to OmitRecursion, (if a class has multiple nested objects, and/or self-reference, this simple extension method allows you to provent this from being an issue)
An AutoFixture customization that allows AutoFixture to create Optional specimens.
An AutoFixture customization that allows AutoFixture to create specimens of the immutable collections found in the System.Collections.Immutable namespace.
Small package that extends some elements of AutoFixture. Specifically adds the .BuildMany() method.
AutoTest.ArgumentNullException is an automated unit testing component to ensure methods with nullable parameters correctly throw an ArgumentNullException when they are supplied null parameters.
Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with FakeItEasy.
This contains a very useful extension method for AutoFixture that allows you to OmitRecursion, (if a class has multiple nested objects, and/or self-reference, this simple extension method allows you to provent this from being an issue)
Package Description
AutoTest.ArgumentNullException is an automated unit testing component to ensure methods with nullable parameters correctly throw an ArgumentNullException when they are supplied null parameters.
Package Description
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing common classes to help with writing automated tests.