Top 20 NuGet aurelia Packages

TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aurelia binding
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aurelia bootstrapper
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aurelia dependency injection
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aurelia html import template loader
Aurelia/WebAPI Webtemplate
This release has the ability to scaffold out an entire .NET Core project with Aurelia CLI. This will help streamline the Aurelia build process and enable rapid development in an integrated environment. You can generate a full fledge secure application with the --secure true option on top of all...
Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with Aurelia.
Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with Aurelia.
This library is on top of the Microsoft Spa Services - It provides functionality for Aurelia applications to be served via Asp.Net Core applications. Just create your own a...
HotWater Aurelia for starter aurelia (SPA)