Top 20 NuGet attribute Packages

Attributes-based compile-time AOP framework. Cross-cutting concerns made easy! Just apply your attributes where you need them and everything automagicaly works! No xml configs! No wierd reflection hacks! No runtime emit! Works with AOT and Blazor! See release notes for this version here: https://...
Core functionality for AttributeRouting ASP.NET MVC and Web API packages.
The `[IndexColumn]` attribute that is the revival of `[Index]` attribute for EF Core. (with extension for model building.) This package also provides [PrimaryKey] attribute.
XRM Toolbox plugin used to bulk create Microsoft Dynamics fields via import of a csv.
Easy for DI register, Auto register services, Decorate service with attribute
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extention Method For Easy Develop High Tech Asp.Net Core Mvc Application. ForExample : Implementation Of Authentication, Authorization, TagHelpers, CustomAttribute, ResponseCache, ExtensionMethod, ...
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap an application using conventions by just using the correct extension method. This adds command line operations, additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap an application using conventions by just using the correct extension method. This adds command line operations, additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Metadata/Attribute library for the FreecraftCore.Serializer. This library provides the attributes required to markup DTOs.
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes
Allows emitting arbitrary assembly attributes, compatible with SDK-style projects and classic ones. Usage: declare @(AssemblyAttribute) items to include, such as: <ItemGroup> <AssemblyAttribute Include="[ATTRIBUTE_FULL_TYPENAME]" _Parameter1="[CTOR_ARG]" _ParameterN="[CTOR_ARG_N]" /> </Ite...
A source generator for creating strongly-typed IDs by decorating with a [StronglyTypedId] attribute
A simplified mapper that also works with immutable types.
AttributeRouting for ASP.NET MVC lets you specify routes using attributes on your MVC controllers and actions.
Helper library for StronglyTypedId generator containg attributes only. See README for when to use this package
A library for easy validations. You can easily validate instances of your classes or any values, whether it be method parameters or anything else. It can also be used for validating user input or writing tests. You may combine different validations at runtime using decorators to validate individual...
PropertyGridHelpers are objects to help make a property grid work for you without a lot of work on your part. The idea is to provide the programmer with the attributes, converters and editors needed to edit values for a class or set of classes with a PropertyGrid. One place these can be used is fo...
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes