Top 20 NuGet attribute Packages

DIContextAutoLoader scan for services and register them in your DI provider.
Labeler allows for adding Labels easily onto Enum fields to use when there is a need to present information quickly to a view in an elegant way.
AttributeRouting code templates for MVC 4 adds controller templates that use attribute routes on their actions.
Enable attribute routing for Nancy project, and build route URL with compiled-time checked lambda expression.
Adds support for loading services into dependency injection to the hosted application by convention.
Adds support for adding logging to the hosted application by convention.
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extention Method For Easy Develop High Tech Asp.Net Core Mvc Application. ForExample : Implementation Of Authentication, Authorization, TagHelpers, CustomAttribute, ResponseCache, ExtensionMethod, ...
Provides a ConventionHostBuilder that can be used during unit tests or anywhere else you wouldn't bootstrap an entire application
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap an application using conventions by just using the correct extension method. This adds command line operations, additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap an application using conventions by just using the correct extension method. This adds command line operations, additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Utilities and Conventions for Routing Services with NancyFX
Autofac container configuration for Rocket.Routing
StructureMap container configuration for Rocket.Routing
Set AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute in AssemblyInfo.cs when build project.
Inspect the usage of attributes per entity
Customize entity attribute mappings.
XrmToolbox plugin to help you update entity records
Policy-based filter html to avoid XSS attacks; support dotnet core and dotnet framework
Check your naming best practices are respected
Is an Open Source and Free Software package to facilitate dealing with File properties, It supports all .NET Core versions as well as .NET Framework 4.6.1+