Top 20 NuGet async Packages

SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.
Extension library for Dapper to include ORM support and async.
Generic Repository Pattern implemented for EFCore 3.1 and .Net standart 2.1. Content: Fix package DI Fix access cache and more...
This abstract appender uses concurrent collections and tasks to enable asynchronous and concurrent batch processing of LoggingEvents. The configuration enables to specify: - the max number of concurrent processors (tasks) that are handling log batches - the max logs batch size - the appender closin...
Provides a set of Exception oriented extension methods methods extending from Xunit.
A .NETStandard BunnyCDN API interface package.
This abstract appender extends the log4net.AsyncAppender package and enabled the configuration of an http endpoint and provides an HttpClient instance and methods to create and send the request. An IEventJsonSerializer contract is provided in order to enable plugging in a custom json serializer (if...
Stateful implementation on top of Azure Service Fabric's Reliable Actor state manager. Provides common .NET data structure concepts persisted in distributed actor state.
Asynchronous TCP C# library for server applications.
This appender extends the log4net.AsyncAppender.HttpEndpoint package and enabled the configuration of the elasticsearch endpoint using: url, url tokens and connection string. Bulk send is always enabled. By default, the connection string and the log document follow the templates and conventions def...
F# version of Scala's ZIO Environment
Repackaged to depend on TaskParallelLibrary.Repackaged, which contains a binary patch to avoid pinvoking into windows DLLs Adds the new C#5 async features for .NET 3.5 projects
Fast and extendible C# 8 alternative to Dapper data access built for .NET Core 3 era.
Toxiproxy .net standard client.
Async interfaces and adapters for System.Data.
Binding library for libuv
A library that provides async configurable producer consumer chaining with callbacks and base classes.