Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
The Syncfusion® XlsIO renderer is a .NET Standard library that allows you to convert Excel documents to Images/PDFs in .NET applications without any Microsoft Office dependencies.
Syncfusion® PowerPoint library is feature-rich and high-performance .NET PowerPoint library that allows you to create, manipulate and convert PowerPoint documents (PPTX, PPTM, POTX and POTM).
Syncfusion® PowerPoint library is feature-rich and high-performance .NET PowerPoint library that allows you to create, manipulate and convert PowerPoint documents (PPTX, PPTM, POTX and POTM).
reCAPTCHA for .NET is a top .NET-based reCAPTCHA library which allows developers to easily integrate Google's reCAPTCHA service in ASP.NET web applications (Web Forms, MVC 5, ASP.NET Core). The following are highlights of the library are: * Renders reCAPTCHA widget and verifies reCAPTCHA response ...
Swagger tools for documenting APIs built on ASP.NET Core
A Serilog sink that supports Azure App Services 'Diagnostics logs' and 'Log stream' features.
NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
Swagger Generator for APIs built on ASP.NET Core
Middleware to expose an embedded version of the swagger-ui from an ASP.NET Core application
Official .NET SDK for the Contentful Content Delivery and Management API for ASP.NET core.
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
Main library package for Finbuckle.MultiTenant.
The Syncfusion HTML to PDF converter is a .NET Standard library that converts URLs, HTML string, SVG, and MHTML to PDF in .NET Core applications. This converter uses the advanced WebKit rendering engine, thus generating pixel-perfect PDF from HTML or URL.
NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core is an unofficial port of the last LGPL version of the iTextSharp (V4.1.6) to .NET Core.
NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
Middleware to expose Swagger JSON endpoints from APIs built on ASP.NET Core
Middleware to expose an embedded version of Redoc from an ASP.NET Core application
Swagger ISchemaFilter that uses FluentValidation validators instead System.ComponentModel based attributes.