Top 20 NuGet Packages

A library enabling command-based architecture and eliminating the need for manual controller creation.
The Growlytics Notifier for ASP.NET WebApi gives you instant notification and session details of exceptions thrown from your ASP.NET WebApi applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Growlytics project.
The Growlytics Notifier for ASP.NET WebApi gives you instant notification and session details of exceptions thrown from your ASP.NET WebApi applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Growlytics project.
.Net HotReloading
Configuration provider that reads configuration values from environment variables according to a mapping to configuration paths.
A lightweight HTML to AMP converter.
Package Description
Create image thumbnails from uploaded image files to help downsize large resolution images that need to be displayed on your website in a smaller resolution.
ASP.NET Core ServiceCollection extension for easy usage of env variables.