Top 20 NuGet Packages

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ASP.NET 5 configuration provider for System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager compatibility. Changed name to GV.AspNet.Configuration.Contrib.ConfigurationManager, please use the package at instead.
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Correlation library for ASP.NET
The ASP.NET Merge tool (Aspnet_merge.exe) enables you to combine and manage assemblies that are created by the ASP.NET Compilation (Aspnet_compiler.exe) tool.
ASP.NET Dynamic Data field and entity templates which can be used to customize the display of entities in Web Forms applications using Dynamic Data.
A .NET 4.5 library which adds OData 4.0 support to the extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to integrate with ASP.NET WebApi.
Tweaks for ASP.NET MVC bundling to aid developers
ASP.NET 5 configuration provider for Octopus Deploy variables.
ASP.NET 5 configuration provider for System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager compatibility.
ASP.Net Dnx Test Web Host
ASP.Net vNext Mvc test fixture
ASP.Net Dnx Test Infrastructure
Miscellaneous Web api components, including dependency resolver and cache and model state manipulation
Middleware to add redirects and rewrites to an ASP.NET 5 application.
A small configuration to class mapper for ASP.NET 5.
ASP.Net vNext Data Library
.NET Core 2.0 WebApi Application