Top 20 NuGet application Packages

Classes for extending the System.Configuration namespace.
Beetle.js server files.
This package contains the minimum required libraries for setting up a Kalibrate website application.
A collection of reusable abstractions for .NET application developer: caching, IoC, pagination, repository, application services, unit of work, background processing, exception trace policy, work item, etc.
Adds a simple console to the browser window which displays command name and request duration from Application Insights telemetry as it is collected. Add the package and run "setupAppInsightsConsole();" from developer tools.
Easy start for your background worker and console apps. See for examples.
Engage Application API Service Model
A web API client for the Engage application API
light weight application configuration file library
Awesome application logging utility
Awesome application logging utility
Test Package To create the first nuget
Diagnostic Tool, Parallel threading
IO Operation Helper tool and extension
Mail Helper