Top 20 NuGet application Packages

Add code to load application version to title bar
Add code to load and save application window settings like size
Add code to load and save application window settings like size
Add code to display processing state.
Innovation accounting for .NET applications.
Lighthouse Components for Mobile Apps. LightHouse is a registered trademark of Turneo AG.
Wrapper for .NET Framework Console Applications
Simit Web MVC Application Extensions Library
Add XML file to manage menus into English and French
Application Insights for .Net Windows applications. This package supports Windows Phone 8.0 and 8.1 applications and Windows Store 8.1 applications targetting either WinRT or Silverlight. See for more information.
Succinc<T> is a .NET library that adds a number of functional features to C#: * Discriminated unions, * Pattern matching, * Partial applications, * "Implicitly" typed lambdas, * The ability to treat void methods as Unit functions, * Replacements for TryParse methods that return an Option<T> (or Mayb...
FluentMigrator package for ASP.NET Boilerplate
Add a class Punctuation with all characters
Add a public static class Punctuation with all characters for code clarity for localization strings
A library to enable simple multi-pane console applications Graphical viewer application for log files DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of p...
Add an XML file for all translated strings in an application, usually similar from app to app