Top 20 NuGet aop Packages
Allows the use of a [Cache] attribute to cache results of method calls of entire classes or only certain methods.
Interceptor and dynamicProxy support for Autofac via AspectCore Framework.
Package Description
Decoupled Caching Abstraction for .NET
Provide underlying intercepting dynamic proxy generating mechanism for Dora.Interception.
PostSharp SDK allows for development of PostSharp add-ins using low-level APIs.
Controls and commands for the PostSharp Model Pattern Library.
Fody add-in that provides custom interception. Supports Net45, NetStandard2.0 and UWP.
Method, Property, Constructor and Field interceptors can be found in the package Cauldron.BasicInterceptors (
ScopedContext extension system for AspectCore Framework.
Converts all JetBrains ReSharper code annotations attributes to External Annotations, so you can provide R# annotations to 3rd parties but don't need to deploy JetBrainsAnnotations.dll.
Injects deep copy constructors and methods for properties.
轻量级 AOP 动态代理,支持 .NetCore 或 .NetFramework4.0+ 平台。
- 支持 同步/异步方法拦截(DynamicProxy);
- 支持 方法的参数值拦截,并支持修改参数值;
- 支持 属性拦截;
- 支持 多个拦截器同时生效;
- 支持 依赖注入的使用方式;
- 支持 动态接口实现(DynamicInterface);
Transforms auto properties into xamarin bindable properties.
Adds support for interception to Ninject using LinFu
DI with AOP framework Moca.NET Core
Provides a proxy factory by leveraging Castle based interception mechanism.
Aspects is a AOP tool based on Fody, that allow you to encapsulate your code with attributes..
Aspects is a AOP tool based on Fody, that allow you to encapsulate your code with attributes..
Custom interceptors for Cauldron.Interception.Fody that provides method, property, field and constructor interception.