Top 20 NuGet aop Packages

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Afx.Base AOP IOC MAP Utils
PhoneCore Framework is a framework which helps you to build applications on Windows Phone 7. It provides: navigation engine, DI container, aspect-oriented programming support, reach configuration subsystem, tracing engine, custom plugin manager, primitive types, MVVM Fwk features.
An Aspect Oriented framework for StructureMap.
AOPify lightweight fluent AOP framework that provides basic AOP features with logging support when execute operations..
AOPify.Aspects provides PreProcess and PostProcess aspects while executing operations
A .NET AOP Tools
(This is a subset of Pathoschild.DesignByContract that contains the annotations but does not enforce them.) Enables code contracts on methods and properties. By annotating your code with attributes like [NotNull], you can remove common validation code and provide helpful exception messages, making y...
Lets you apply aspects to your classes at runtime and build new aspects; also provides MEF integration. For more detailed information and documentation, please visit the GitHub page at You can find more of my stuff by visiting my page at http://aashishk...
A Mixin Framework for C#
Surrogates is a direct and versatile object masher, which injects aspects and functionalities into any code. It hooks on your regular OOP and ables you to add highly abstracted features that otherwise, would imply in many replicated lines of code, inheritance, helpers and/or maintenance.
NetAspect is an AOP framework for .Net and .Net Compact Framework
Feather# - An AOP utility for .NET, based on Mono.Cecil.
AOP.Logging allows developers to log input parameters, duration of execution, return parameter and exceptions within 4 lines of code (Without violating DRY principal)
A really simple AOP Framework. For bugs and questions:
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
"Syringe is simple engine for post build IL level assembly processing. It serves as a bridge between IL code weaving logic (implemented in separate dll) and target project's build process. Syringe uses MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) to collect every class exported as ICodeAmpoule contract and...