Top 20 NuGet aop Packages

Package Description
Library that enables the user to validate the most frequently used .Net framework attributes.
Free version of the PostSharp library based on MrAdvice
Wrappers around simple injector that provide also interception facility using castle
Controls whether the local variables in methods are zero-initialized.
Simple, Fast and reliable Dynamic Proxy for ASP.NET Core 2.0 and later
AOP Alternative to T4. Basic attributes to decorate type for RoslynMacros use.
aop,emit dynamic proxy,il
Aspect Oriented library for .net
基于 Reface.AppStarter 的模块,允许用户简单的创建类或接口的代理类,实现 AOP 、动态实现等功能
Abstractions for Injector.NET
Clean Code Provides AOP Implementation for cross cutting concerns including Logging Request, Logging Response Monitoring Time, Caching, Validation
Introduce tests execution logging without coding
Decorator pattern for implement cross-cutting concerns (AOP).
Contains attributes for Insider SDK
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