Top 20 NuGet android Packages

Create notifications for Xamarin Forms (Android only)
Plugin Description
Plugin Description
Plugin Description
An easy and practical InputWithLabel with a unique functionality. Contains several properties ColorUI in Left and Right labels, Width, Height and anothers.
Plugin Description
A radial slider for Xamarin Forms using SkiaSharp
Core utility functions for android applications
A modern I/O library for Android, Kotlin, and Java
Logging Plugin for Xamarin provides a consistent, cross platform logging plugin on Android, iOS, UWP.
Web utility Json / XML for .Net Standard
* Clients: - AbstractHttpClientWebService * Requests: - SoapHttpRequestMessage * DelegatingHandlers: - LoggingHandler - WebServiceExceptionsHandler * MediaTypeFormatters: - JsonRestSharpMediaTypeFormatter - XmlRestSharpMediaTypeFormatter
* Interfaces: - IClientWebService * Exceptions: - WebServiceException - WebServiceStatusException - WebServiceOfflineException - WebServiceTimedOutException
Retrieves WebProxy from .Net Standard
General interface and helper classes .Net Standard
Classes to Serialize / Deserialize objects from streams / strings in xml and json format: - SerializationJson (Json.NET) - SerializationRestSharpJson (RestSharp) - SerializationRestSharpXml (RestShap) - SerializationDataContractXml (DataContractSerializer) - Serializati...
Classes to generate Mock objects
Save settings on secure storage: KeyChain / PasswordValut / KeyStore / ProtectedData
Create / Read / Write / Delete files and directories
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Bindings for Google's TensorFlow Lite GPU package (Google Play Services dependency)