Top 20 NuGet android Packages

Overlogger: A way to log/track metrics in your app that allows you to switch between backends freely
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Duktape
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence DB Framework
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence DB
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence Room RxJava
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence Room Runtime
Xamarin Binding Library - Permutive SDK Android
Xamarin Android Library - Permutive Android GoogleAds SDK
Camera Shared Library Custom for Id Card
Xamarin plugin to access Bluetooth Low Energy quickly and easily on Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS.
This package includes Windows.Storage like APIs cross-platform such as: - MessageDialog for representing a dialog for showing messages to the user. - UICommand for providing a command in a context menu.
This package includes Windows.UI like APIs cross-platform such as: - Color representing a color in terms of alpha, red, green, and blue channels. - Colors representing a set of predefined colors. - DispatcherTimer providing a timer that is integrated into the Dispatcher queue, whic...
MVVM framework for Xamarin.Native.
MVVM framework for Xamarin.Native.
Plugin for xamarin applications
Xamarin.Forms utilities for android.
Xamarin.Android Binding Library for com.jaredrummler.materialspinner
A beautiful, elegant and easy-to-use Switch(Toggle) with incredible convenience, with multiple colors in title available. 修复了全屏幕黑边问题