Top 20 NuGet android Packages

Bugsnag crash reporting for Android apps
eaglesakura Xamarin sample repository
MSBuild tasks to turn C# file into colors.xml for Android.
This library works like Objective-C and Swift NSNotificationCenter
NearIT Android NuGet
Polished toast for Xamarin Android
Enable d8/r8 dex compiler for your Xamarin.Android application
Xamarin plugin to access Bluetooth Low Energy quickly and easily on Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS.
Android version of InsaneQuietWrapper. Supports only Frame transmition for now.
Localhost allows us to use different IP address to access local development machine depending on the platform the app runs on. There are 4 supported platform variations: iOS simulator, iOS device, Android emulator and Android device. This library takes advendage of bait-and-switch pattern so it can ...
Xamarin bindings for Paho (HyperTrack dependency)
Xamarin bindings for Mqttv3 (HyperTrack dependency)
CrossProcessPreferences allows to have a Xamarin.Android ISharedPreferences to work cross process through a ContentProvider. Xamarin port based on
Heimdall is an OAuth 2.0 client specifically designed for easy usage and high flexibility. It supports all grants as described in Section 4 as well as refreshing an access token as described in Section 6 of the The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework specification.
Небольшая ORM для SQLite.
This package container server part for RhMemProfiler project. It runs on Android as a part of your application. It requires a client console which is available from
This project is a cross platform library for Xamarin, which enables a handy use of InApp advertising in your applications.
This package contains the binaries of the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL). ADAL provides a Portable Class Library with easy to use authentication functionality for your .NET client on various platforms including Windows desktop, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin An...
DeployGate SDK Xamarin bindings (Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS)