Top 20 NuGet android Packages

Library to use bCore for Xamarin.Android.
Facebook's fastor fork of Proguard, packaged for NuGet
DK: build tools
This package is intended to allow the SQLite.Net-PCL Nuget package from Øystein Krog, to be still functionnal with "Android N" with a modified Android Platform provider, since there is no update from this package at the moment. Just replace all your "SQLitePlatformAndroid" objects with "SQLitePlatf...
This library rapped some platform span class Android: SpannableStringBuilder(to ICharSequence iOS: NSMutableAttributedString(to NSAttributedString UWP: List of Inline Windows Phone 8: List of Inline Windows Phone 8.1: List of Inline Windows 8.1: List of Inline
Xamarin Android bindings for the Accengage GPS plugin
Xamarin Android binding library for SimpleCropView.
Android (Notification) Toast Control for WPF
Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS 1. Install DependencyResolver to PCL project, that contains platform depended interface TService. 2. Install DependencyResolver to Android/iOS projects. 3. Add DependencyAttribute to platform specific implementation of TServi...
EasyLayout.Droid makes it easier to read, write, and maintain relative layouts in Xamarin Android. It's a port of Frank Krueger's EasyLayout (
Invention Library is a set of portable foundation classes extending the base .NET framework.
AVLoadingIndicatorView is a collection of nice loading animations for Android.
Invention for iOS.
DK: partial AOT for android APKs
package includes the necessary libraries to establish a connection to Oneiroi Server for xamarin native android and ios application development