Top 20 NuGet analytics Packages

Simple analytics for Umbraco.
Utilities for AdaptiveClient
Utility classes and methods for using AdaptiveClient to work with DBContext and other Entity Framework Core objects. Build loosely coupled services, readily accessible via a lightweight façade. Easily build your service layer to use multiple providers (MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite) with no additional infra...
Leverage user-centric API analytics to drive adoption, usage, and retention, including: - Gain visibility into API adoption and usage - Quickly debug functional and performance issues - Monitor for issues impacting customers - Create live dashboards and share with col...
Xamarin SDK For Kumulos
Flexberry Analytics WebApi package.
Authentication and service implementation for the Google Analytics APIs.
Azure Synapse Analytics Extension for .NET for Apache Spark
Log4Net appender for exceptron
In-cloud exception aggregation and analytics.
Nlog target for exceptron
Analytics for Windows Phone provides mechanism for instrumenting an app with Google Analytics. You can track events, user device information, app version, and WP OS version. It also provides realtime tracking so you know how many people are using your app at this moment. Currently only Google Analy...
WebClient and HttpClient for Windows Phone and WinRT. Supports Wensus Analytics performance monitoring.
MarkedUp Analytics SDK for all .NET platforms: WinForms, WPF, Windows Phone, Windows Store, WinJS, and more! Learn more at
Allows serilog to be configured so that logs are synchronised with Appceptive
Facilitates simple integration of your ASP.NET web application with Appceptive
Facilitiates dispatching events and activities to Appceptive end points.
Allows Log4Net to be configured so that logs are synchronised with Appceptive