Top 20 NuGet ai Packages

My package description.
Smooth Wit AI .NET Ninja
Deep learning in C#
Deep learning in C#
Graph Database with built in inference. Enables you to manage complex business and AI knowledge. The Datumtron API represents data as a graph of fundamental units called “datums” that are connected by a single fundamental relation called “is”. Any higher-level data structures or relations are constr...
Models to represent the Semantha AI graph
Models to represent the Semantha AI graph
Open-Source experimental ML algorithms in .NET
The simplest neural network library written in .NET Standard 2.0
Quadratic neural network library written in .NET Standard 2.0
AIML Implementation for .net standard 2.0
A client library ing RestSharp to simplify interactions with the strategic API.
A library with public model structures for use with the strategic API