Top 20 NuGet ai Packages

391/5000 Check out the Azure Cognitive Services Speaker Recognition APIs. Speaker Recognition APIs are cloud-based APIs that provide the most advanced algorithms for speaker verification and speaker identification. The Speaker Recognition APIs can be divided into two categories: Speaker Verif...
By uploading an image or specifying an image URL, Microsoft Computer Vision algorithms can analyze visual content in different ways based on inputs and user choices
This nuget package help you to send a digital ink strokes to the Ink Recognizer API with C#.
LUIS app to determine a user's intention from conversational text
Implementation of neural network structure.
Find contact and location information about local businesses based on search queries
A framework for easy development of signal processing systems, texts, time series, etc. using machine learning methods, we are on Telegram:
Classes for using Azure Storage Queues with the Microsoft Bot Builder SDK
Shared library for Conversational AI Virtual Assistants and Skills.
Introduces a Steering Agent Component that allows for objects to evade each other.
A library for serializing/deserializing neural networks created with SodiumPlus
A library for training neural networks created with SodiumPlus
CleverbotLib is an easy to use and elegant .NET Cleverbot API library.
Wit Ai SDK for .NET.
GladBehavior.Tree is a C#/.NET Behavior Tree (BT) implementation that supports generic contexts/agents.
Deep learning in C#
Deep learning in C#