Top 20 NuGet aggregate Packages

Autofac implementation for the domain event handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Domain.UnitOfWork NuGet.
Eventual core
Contains Dapper specific implementation for infrastructure layer
A filter for aggregating Serilog log entries
Common Library for saving and rebuilding objects from event streams.
Base classes to implement a Domain Model also using DDD (Domain Driven Development) and to abstract the ORM or the storage and change it simply.
Base implementation for domain repositories and domain events using the unit of work pattern.
Autofac implementation for the domain event handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Domain NuGet.
Eventual conventsions
Contains a bunch of interfaces, abstract classes, etc... to easily deal with DDD infrastructure layer
Seedwork for domain driven project
A .NET library that provides additional functionality for interacting with Azure Cosmos DB.
InMemory/TextFile storage provider for NEventLite. An extensible lightweight library for .NET that manages the Aggregate lifecycle in an Event Sourced system.