Top 20 NuGet ads Packages
The Beckhoff.TwinCAT.Ads package includes everything to develop own .NET applications (e.g. visualization, scientific automation) for communication with TwinCAT devices (e.g. PLC, NC or IO-devices).
Root object is the AdsClient to communicate to all variants of local and remote ADS servers and devic...
The Beckhoff.TwinCAT.AdsServer Package can be used to implement your own ADS Server.
Reactive extensions for Beckhoff.TwinCAT.AdsClient
Extends the AdsClient object with Reactive Interfaces for ADS Notifications to support observable Streams of
value changes.
This plugin allows you to add Banner, Insterstitial, Rewarded Video Ads and Open app ads to your Android and iOS projects in just a line of code
ADS (TCP) Router implementation.
This package can be used for ADS router functionality on targets that doesn't run TwinCAT Installations to communicate to local and remote ADS targets.
Simple TCP/IP ADS Router Console Application for use on systems without TwinCAT installation / setup.
ADS Abstractions for .Net Standard / Core. This package contains the base interfaces and implementations necessary for the AdsServer and Client packages. This is a dependent package and should not be used standalone.
A simple way to Publish the values of a TC2/3 PLC variables to a MQTT Broker. To use just var adsMqtt = new Ads2Mqtt() and Start() and to configure it just use the NEL.AppConfig UI that automatically runs at runtime. Other way is to use the package [NEL.AppConfig.Client] to make your own configurati...
Enables you to use SQL to connect to Microsoft Ads objects. Just specify your credentials and access views like Ads, KeywordPerformance, BidOpportunities, etc.
Enables you to use SQL to connect to Google Ad Manager Ads, Accounts, Creatives, and Orders.
The CData Google Ads Data Provider allows you to connect to Google Ads data.
Enables you to use standard drivers to connect to a variety of Twitter data sources like Twitter timeline, followers, etc.
The CData Facebook Data Provider allows you to connect to a variety of Facebook Ads data sources. Just point the provider to an CData Facebook Data Folder and access sources like Ads, AdInsights, etc.
VisioForge Video Fingerprinting SDK package. Samples - .
Provides basic connectivity to the PLC system via pre-compiled .net classes that replicate the structure of the actual PLC program.

Ads Monetization SDK for Windows (WPF and WinForm) apps and games - The best alternative ad network for the Microsoft Advertising SDK
Monetize your Windows WPF and WinForm apps or games with banner and interstitial ads with top revenue and 100% fill rate. AdsJumbo advetising SDK supports UWP, WinForm, WPF, Unity3D and HTML5 apps. Increase your revenue opportunities by putting ads in your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app or gam...
Beckhoff.TwinCAT.Ads Wrapper. Currently it's only possible to Write on primitive symbols outside DUTs. In order to use just var tcClient = new TCClient(new TCClientConfig(<some alias>,<AmsNetId>,<symbol name filter>)); Connet() and it's ready to Read/Write symbols. It's also possible to un/register ...
Xamarin bindings for Interactive Media Ads
Admob Adapter is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate Admob native ads (both Express and Advanced) into ListView/RecyclerView in the way that is shown in the following image/animation.
AdDuplex (cross-promotion network for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps) SDK for XAML based Windows Phone apps.