Top 20 NuGet actors Packages

Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Framework for building actors networks
Lease coordination library
Akka.NET Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by Oracle ODP.NET
Orleans backplane for SignalR Core.
Akka.NET Persistence read journal backed by EventStore.
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Distributed algorithms for F#
Distributed algorithms for F#
Microsoft Orleans persistence provider backed by Azure CosmosDB
Generate Proto.Actor grains as C# code files from proto RPC contracts.
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Code generation library for Orleans.Serialization
Unity Dependency Injection (DI) support for Akka.NET
Use Ninject as your IoC container of choice with Akka.Net for CQRS.NET
Set of extensions to the Akka.NET F# API that are not available in the standard library. This includes actor lifecycle managment and stateful actors.