Top 20 NuGet actors Packages

Library of utility types for relational storage of Microsoft Orleans
Workflow Foundation (.Net 4.x System.Activities workflows) over Microsoft Orleans framework, providing stable, long-running, extremely scalable processes with XAML designer support.
ToolKit that makes it easier to use TDD in building and testing actor systems with Akka.NET
Orleans statistics provider for StatsD
Orleans Bootstrap to log data via Serilog: 1) intercept each grain call and log request and response. 2) log all available info which delivered by ILogConsumer
A declarative command line and XML configuration parser for F# applications.
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Proto.Persistence driver for MySQL database
Proto.Persistence driver for any SQL database
Proto.Actor adapter for Newtonsoft.Json serializer
Package Description
Package Description
Testkit base library for transactions
HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) parser and application-ready implementation.
Enables dependency injection to be easily used with the Service Fabric Actor model.
Microsoft Orleans host environment statistics for AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS).
Microsoft Orleans Http Endpoints
The reactive, scalable, and resilient Object, CQRS, and Event Sourcing storage and projection tool built on top of ADO.NET for services and applications built on the vlingo/platform.
Package Description
Microsoft Orleans Grain Directory provider backed by Azure Storage