Top 20 NuGet access Packages

This an assembly you can use for Access Database Engine for Office 2013/2016/2019 COM interop, generated and signed by Microsoft. This is entirely unsupported and there is no license since it is a repackaging of Office assemblies.
PandoraDb is a easy handling data access framework, based on ADO.NET. It means that PandoraDb is faster and lighter than others framework.
Control page design rights individually per item.
SimpleSalesforceConnect is a .NET Core platform based class library that can be used to connect to Salesforce to obtain the Access Token and Instance Url to make further Rest API calls. Wrappers are added to download Salesforce logs and then upload logs to Amazon S3 bucket. Visit the project site ...
SimpleBlackboardConnect is a .NET Core class library that can be used to connect to Blackboard to obtain the Access Token to integrate your application with Blackboard and make API calls for CRUD operations. Visit the project site to get more info on usage.
ApiAuthenticate is a .NET Core class library that is a wrapper around HttpClient and can be used to obtain authentication tokens from client such as Salesforce, Blackboard using Grant_Type ClientCredentials or Password. AWS Connection is also supported. Visit the project site to get more info on us...
Simplifies access to Lime CRM Web Service.
Access deeply nested chains of properties/indexers in a null-safe manner with optional delegate to handle (i.e. log) interrupted chains.
This is the API for all EyeTech eye trackers.
Library for smart and easy use of generic data access for SQL Server. It provides functionalities for common SQL data access and for SQL Server Always On.
Customizable open source library for validating generic file formats (size, extension, file signature, checksum etc.) with available extensions which can detect corrupted files of some popular file formats.
A library for easy access to File based databases such as Microsoft Access, flat files or Excel Spreadsheets.
CBTS proxy references
Assembly for reading and writing office file properties and hidden tokens
Easy SqlServer Access, Simply give a ready configurated SqlCommand instance
This is a private library with classes for interacting with data using Entity Framework.
MS Access Migration Library
Data Access to Employee Database
Neat data access stuff