Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Xamarin Android bindings for the Accengage GPS AdvertiserId plugin
Package Description
Excalibur tries to bring structure for developers that are using MvvmCross and Xamarin to develop their mobile applications. This is the base project for most Excalibur solutions.
Some useful stuff for Xamarin.Android
Microsoft adaptive card for Xamarin iOS
Microsoft adaptive card for Xamarin Android
Ecommunity.Mobile.Tour library
A simple Xamarin.Android Bindings Library for parsing and composing PDUs for sending and receiving MMS messages.
A fork of the Couchbase Lite 1.4 ( modified for use with Xamarin and PredixSDK
Custom control for your Xamarin.iOS project to render a floating action button in projects that target Xamarin.iOS
Xamarin.Android bindings for Facebook Android - Marketing
Xamarin.Android bindings for Facebook Android - LoginKit
Xamarin.Android bindings for Facebook Android - LiveStreaming
讯飞语音识别 ios xamarin 绑定库
Xamarin iOS binding library of IDMPhotoBrowser - Photo Browser / Viewer inspired by Facebook's and Tweetbot's, swipe-to-dismiss, image progress and more.
Native iOS SDK for cidaas
core functionalities of cidaas
This project provides some extensions to help you visualise your Workbook outputs.
.Net and .Net Core caching abstraction layer that supports various difrent cache providers.