Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Xamarin Yaml Parser
Countly is an open source and enterprise Mobile Analytics, Web Analytics, Mobile Marketing and Mobile Performance Management Platform.
Clarity is an application framework based on Xamarin Forms
Custom Camera supporting overlay images for Xamarin.Android
The Stripe iOS SDK makes it quick and easy to build an excellent payment experience in your Xamarin.iOS app
Allow customers to securely make payments using Android Pay through Stripe.
The Stripe Android SDK makes it quick and easy to build an excellent payment experience in your Xamarin.Android app
The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
C# 8.0 default interface methods support for Xamarin.Android
Choice Word Button Group
Nakama.Mvvm is a piece of Nakama framework, it provide a bunch of MVVM pattern tools such as BindableModel, ValidatableModel, IsDirty check, Validatadion trhow DataAnnotations and much more
Package Description
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Package Description
Repacked Xamarins Inappbilling
Button Xamarin
Key-Value store library for Application setting.
Accordion Xamarin