Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages
MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xamarin Forms, Windows and Mac.
This package contains the 'ResourceLoader' plugin for MvvmCross
MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xamarin Forms, Windows and Mac.
This package contains the 'WebBrowser' plugin for MvvmCross
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - support-core-ui
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - support-core-utils
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - support-fragment
HarfBuzzSharp is a cross-platform OpenType text shaping engine for .NET platforms.
Xam.Plugin.HtmlLabel: display HTML content in labels
Gauges includes customizable radial, linear and bullet graph gauge controls.
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
Xamarin.Android bindings for Crashlytics Android - Core
SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library.
It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images.
A library to make things cross-platform that should be.
A module for building apps with Service Request functionality
The events module contains common functionality and essetntials required to build apps that have event specific functionality
The modules module contains common functionality shared across multiple modules
Shiny addon for all your notification needs
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin.WPF Chart control and more.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout'.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout'.
Library description: This library offers a flexible and adaptable way to position and animate widgets
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.activity:activity'.
Library description: Provides the base Activity subclass and the relevant hooks to build a composable structure on top.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library ''.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library ''.