Top 20 NuGet wrapper Packages

A C# wrapper for the Global Airports DB data (
Wrapper for the official battle rite api.
It's a unofficial C# wrapper for Picarto API.
Kraft Wrapper is a library that make Sitecore API injectable and unit testable. It is interface based, model of the Sitecore API, which is included auto mapping from an item to your model class.
GuardianNet is .NET wrapper for TheGuardian API.
Tesla Model S C# API Implementation
Package Description api wrapper
Abstraction for integration tests that must used IDbExecutor for work with database
CSharp socket wrapper library. It abstracts working with sockets using channel interface. Any type of connection could be implemented behind the interface.
Simple but DI-aware and extensible repository for EF DbContext
Leveldb - v1.20 wrapper for c# .net
An asynchronous Booru based ImageBoard wrapper. It supports: Safebooru, Rule34, Realbooru, Danbooru, Gelbooru, Konachan, E621 and
c# wrapper for libsodium-1.0.16
IPAddress Pool Wrapper allows you to parse or check IPAddress from list of IP Pools/Ranges in multiple regions. it also support files such as json and text file for large IP Ranges/Pools. IPAddress Supported formats like,,
CoinMarketCap Public and Pro API for .Net
CexCore is .NET Core wrapper over CEX.IO API for trading.
A Blazor Wrapper for JS's Window.confirm() and onbeforeunload as .Net Blazor Component.
A Call Of Duty C# API Wrapper using the API
Package Description