Top 20 NuGet wrapper Packages

A managed wrapper to the ArUco open-source augmented reality library.
Provides a quick access to Foursquare API
.NET wrapper for NVIDIA PhysX 3.3.4
An async Spotify Web API wrapper for .NET
Wire up your logging with the NLog logging framework.
A utility to automatically generate the wrapper class and return to you the wrapped object that implements your interface.
This is the first publicly available .NET wrapper developed for Qualys SSL Labs Assessment API's that allow the consumer to test SSL servers on the public internet. This wrapper easies the communication to the API's for .NET developers which allows you as the developer to focus on your project rath...
Simit Wrapper of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Library
A simple wrapper around v3 of the Twitch API. Work in progress, not to be used for anything meaningful.
A managed wrapper to the CMT algorithm for visual object tracking.
A managed wrapper to the OpenTLD open-source tracking library.
Cross-platform HarfBuzz bindings for C#.
KomfoSharp is a Komfo API library that simplifies adding Komfo to your .NET desktop and web applications. You can build your own integration layer with Komfo utilizing the fluent API provided by KomfoSharp.
A simple C# wrapper for accessing cPanel APIs
A simple abstraction atop the Dapper and Dapper.SimpleCRUD extension methods for testability.
Cross-platform FreeType bindings for C#.
Cross-platform FreeType bindings for C#.