Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

BlackBee.Toolkit - it is a framework which allows lightning fast to start developing applications WPF, Windows Universal App.
WPF part of the microframework. Includes untilities to handle both View First and Model First apps.
Syncfusion Compression is a .NET Standard helper library for Syncfusion File Format libraries (XlsIO, PDF, DocIO, and Presentation) to compress and uncompress the files and folders in .NET framework applications. Documentation:
A small collection of special pixel shaders for WPF. Currently supported (more to come): Pixelate, RadialBlur and Ripple.
Adds MessageBox, InputBox, PasswordBox to your project (+password generator)
Adds PrintDialog wraper to your project (with preview window)
The WPF UnitComboBox Control implements a combobox that allows the selection of values from different lists based on different units.
Set of ready to use common dialog boxes and components based on the MVVM pattern for WPF/xaml applications. Provide also a basic MVVM framework with a back-end application controller. See the gitHub repository and wiki: See the blog to have more explanations...
Easy localization of .NET applications. Demo on GitHub :
Implements a WPF/MVVM Control libray (with backend) that manages a Most Recently Used list of files.
Control that allows to zoom WPF controls
A native MVVM-based Message Box for WPF
This is a code displaying tool for themes library in WPF
Reference native PDFNet library directly without the PDFNetLoader.dll library as official release does. Supports only x86 and x64 platform target. Does not support AnyCPU target.
2017/10/19 v1.0.9.4: 1.修复 ModernMenu 子菜单中文时下划线太近问题 2017/10/19 v1.0.9.3: 1.ModernMenu 子菜单选项样式增加下划线 2.ModernTab Layout="Tab" 的选中样式增加下划线 2017/10/12 v1.0.9.2: 1.默认语言改为中文 2017/9/7 v1.0.9.1: 1.ModernUI.WPF 增加中文语言 2.所有的FontFamily 都设置为 DefaultFontFamily 或 Li...
WPF/MVVM control to implement a textbox and combobox with a watermark (a faded label inside the text editing area).
Winnovative PDF Viewer for Windows Forms and WPF can be easily integrated in your Windows Forms and WPF applications targeting the .NET Framework to display PDF documents. This version of the library is compatible with .NET Framework on Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) platforms. The free Ado...
EVO PDF Viewer for Windows Forms and WPF can be easily integrated in your Windows Forms and WPF applications targeting the .NET Framework to display PDF documents. This version of the library is compatible with .NET Framework on Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) platforms. The free Adobe Reade...
UWP Platform specific UI rendering ... part of effort to have cross platform UI stack based on XAML. Targets Windows 10 Tablet, Mobile, Xbox, PC scenarios.