Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

Use these extensions to build Prism applications based on Munq.
A set of controls and styles converting your WPF application into a great looking Modern UI app.
MinimalMVVM is an MVVM framework that implements only the necessary minimum functions.
This package contains a package that let you search in your application assemblies. This is a plugin for MvvmCross.
Font-Awesome-4.7.0 for Windows Forms and WPF
Ammy UI Language for XAML platforms. Please install Ammy Visual Studio Extension for full support.
Maya .Net Dark Scheme for WPF
A collection of generic WPF controls (no licensed third party software present).
Utilities for XAML. Copy Paste Excel, etc.
WPF theme and controls inspired by bootstrap UI
Components for real-time sound device mic-in, audio out, FFT spectrum, arbitrary multi-channel signal generator, WAV file stream reader. Part of LightningChart SDK.
This a simple controls library that can be helpful to WPF application developers
Macroresolute Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Effects Library.
Provides infrastructure helpers and services to ease WPF applications development.
Provides reactive extensions for active lists and active values.
Core library for all ClickTwice publish tools, including the host libraries