Top 20 NuGet validation Packages

TinyValidator abstractions
Adds FluentValidation support to SharpDomain based application
An AntiXss attribute for Web API request models. It essentially runs the Microsoft AntiXss library against the input and fails validation if the result is different to the original value. There are ways to fine tune and relax where appropriate.
Fast, extensible, intuitive and easy-to-use C# portable library providing fluent APIs for argument validation. Gives everything you need to implement defensive programming in your .NET application
PasswordUtility, as the name implies, is a lightweight password utility class that allows you to create random passwords based on certain criteria and validate password strength. The library is loosely based on the OSS KeePass code but was altered for my specific needs
WebAPI Foolproof Validation aims to extend the Data Annotation validation provided in ASP.NET WebAPI. Includes such annotations as [GreaterThan], [RequredIfTrue], [RequiredIfRegExMatch] and more. It also provides simply method for creating custom contingent validators. Fork of http://foolproof.codep...
The library allows to create IValueConverter, IMultiValueConverter, DataTemplateSelector, and ValidationRule objects with the most convenient syntax available, ideally, using the lambda expressions.
Multiple implementations on email address validation.
Lightweight guard / pre-condition / parameter validation library for .NET
Helper functions to aid in argument validation for C# functions. Example Usage: Throw.IfNull(argument, nameof(argument)); Throw.IfNullOrEmpty(argument, nameof(argument));
Structured validation library.
WebDucer library for value validation on UI intefaces
This plugin provides programmatic access to several data valiadtion functions. It consists of three validating modules. Each modules consists of one or more actions that perform an operation against your data validation process. All of methods will return result object indicating success or failure,...
Core for building domain-driven, functional and event-based applications.
XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Validation
This package contains contains the Script.jQuery.History assembly that allows you to reference and program against the jQuery History (BBQ) plugin when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
This package contains contains the Script.jQuery.Templating assembly that allows you to reference and program against the jQuery Templating plugin when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.