Top 20 NuGet validation Packages

Dirty Forms will alert a user when they attempt to leave a page without submitting a form they have entered data into. It alerts them in a modal popup box, and also falls back to the browser's default onBeforeUnload handler for events outside the scope of the document such as, but not limited to, pa...
A .NET Rule Engine and Valication application framework to build amazing code. Create testable, extensible, and highly maintainable business logic. , entity/poco validation, and business object validation. For more information and sample applications, please visit
prmToolkit É um projeto responsável por dar apoio a outros projetos. # ArgumentsValidator Classe responsável por gerenciar validações de argumentos. VANTAGENS >Podemos realizar validações indivíduais ou em grupos >É possível levantar uma exceção ou captura-las
This is a library of extensions for Code Guard. NuGet Site: [] NuGet Command: [Install-Package Seterlund.CodeGuard]. These extensions are intended to give the guards custom messages.
Validation and sanitization primitives.
Provides a dialog to show a ValidationSummary (Ifp.Validation package) in WPF.
This library help with validations
Wizard with jQuery form validation
A Xamarin.Forms PCL plugin to facilitate validation of entries. This plugin only needs adding to the Xamarin.Forms PCL projects that contain XAML forms that are going to use validation. It does not need adding to the platform specific projects
UtilityHelperTools include utilities for string, json validation, Ioc, dependecy injection control and others helper tools
VerioCheck Contact Validation and Identity Verification API
jQuery Validation Plugin include additional-methods.js, localization
Fluent Validation v7 support for Nancy
Validate your JSON values using data structures. Inspired by [joi](
Useful extensions to C# objects and classes (MVVM).
NeverBounce is a realtime email verification service. Our verification API allows you to create Custom Integrations to add email verification to any part of your software. We offer solutions for verifying individual emails as well as lists containing hundreds or even millions of emails. This librar...