Top 20 NuGet unhandled Packages

SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
ElmahR IoC module for NInject
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 4
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 5 (NET40)
ElmahR persistence module for EntityFramework 5 (NET45)
Elmah.Persistence.EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact module, to handle dependencies and configuration in order to use a local SqlServerCompact database (.sdf).
ElmahR Api client for extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint (
Extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint to receive errors from anywhere.
Extension to elmah-mvc by Atif Aziz, James Driscoll and Alexander Beletsky. Added posibility of custom authorization.
Painless integration of ELMAH functionality into ASP.NET MVC Application. Just drop the package inside you ASP.NET MVC application and access /elmah URL. It will also install global HandleError filter, that guarantees all unhandled errors is logged (even if customerError turned "On").
ELMAH with initial configuration for getting started quickly. ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an application-wide error logging facility that is completely pluggable. It can be dynamically added to a running ASP.NET web application, or even all ASP.NET web applications on a machine, wi... ASP.NET notifier
HipChat error messaging module for usage with ELMAH. Powerful yet simple.
BugGuardian.MVC is the official MVC extension for BugGuardian. BugGuardian is a library, written in C# targeting NetStandard 1.1, that allows to easily create a Bug or Task work item on your Visual Studio Team Services account or on your on-premises Team Foundation Server in the case your...
BugGuardian.WebForms is the official WebForms extension for BugGuardian. BugGuardian is a library, written in C# and targeting NetStandard 1.1, that allows to easily create a Bug or Task work item on your Visual Studio Team Services account or on your on-premises Team Foundation Server in...
Provider, that enables custom logging in a project
ELMAH error log implementation on top of an Oracle database.