Top 20 NuGet unhandled Packages

ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database as the error log.
Automatically registers ELMAH modules and handlers on application start-up instead of wiring via configuration (web.config).
Simple ELMAH installation with Trace Agent Plug-in.
ElmahR Core library, receiving errors and broadcasting them to connected clients
Simple ELMAH installation for Mvc with Trace Agent Plug-in.
Consistent API Response Errors (CARE) is an ASP.NET Core middleware that centralizes the handling of input-validation errors, application exceptions and unhandled exceptions. Simplifies the API controllers by containing only the calls for the appropriate business-login service (without the need of i...
Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
In-Memory ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
In-Memory ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
In-Memory ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.