Top 20 NuGet unhandled Packages

SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
ElmahR module implementing a full fledged errors dashboard
ElmahR persistence module for MongoDB
Adds support for sending crash reports to your C++ native Windows app.
Fast and comprehensive logging tool for .NET applications, designed for always-on logging. FieldLog allows applications to write events, data and errors (including structured exceptions with lots of details) to managed and efficient log files. The logging methods are optimised for high performance ...
BugGuardian is a library, written in C# and targetting the .NET Standard 1.1, that allows to easily create a Bug or Task work item on your Visual Studio Team Services account or on your on-premises Team Foundation Server in the case your application throws an Unhandled Exception. It can also be ...
BugGuardian.AspNetCore is the official ASP.NET Core extension for BugGuardian. This package works with both .Net Framework and .Net Core. BugGuardian is a library, written in C# targeting NetStandard 1.1, that allows to easily create a Bug or Task work item on your Visual Studio Team Services acc...
BugSplat crash reporting for .NET Standard 2.0 platforms. For .NET Framework crash reporting see
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the error log. NB requires manual configuration. NOTE: The format of the log files has changed, please use a new collection or clear existing entries before using this version.
Mail module for ELFAR. Requires one of the ErrorLog Provider packages to be installed and a manual update of the App_Start\Elfar.cs file.
Twitter module for ELFAR. Requires one of the ErrorLog Provider packages to be installed and a manual update of the App_Start\Elfar.cs file.
Error Logging Filter and Route (ELFAR) for ASP.NET WebApi
Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.