Top 20 NuGet token Packages

JWT token authentication library for the sensenet platform.
Encrypted Token based authentication and authorization for MVC Projects
A useful service class that provides functionality for generating and validating JWTs.
Package makes integrating JWT Bearer Token Security to your ASP .NET Core app a breeze!! Azure Active Directory, Google, Facebook, Twitter auth integration. Also, Swagger UI integration!
Easily extract insights from your videos and quickly enrich your apps to improve detection and engagement
A custom view to enter otp/pin of different sizes used usually in cases of authentication.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Mukesh Solanki's OtpView / PinView.
Middleware to handle Authentication and Authorization for testing purpose.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Swapnil Tiwari's PassCodeText, a customised EditText (OTP) view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customizability.
.Net Core HttpClientFactory compatible extension methods for HttpClient supporting typed REST verbs from JSON, XML and URL encoded form endpoints, bearer tokens and cookies. Built-in conversion of any request object to JSON or querystring. Includes Uri concatenation helpers and Cookie accessor. Als...
Generate & Validate Jwt/Jwe tokens
A small library that implements an improved version of System.Threading.CancellationToken with support for removable registrations, to allow for garbage collection in the presence of long-lived tokens, plus some related utilities. Motivation: cancellation tokens can be the source of memory "leaks",...
The Stringe is a wrapper for the .NET String object that tracks line, column, offset, and other metadata for substrings.
This package was used during TechDays 2015 and includes a AppServiceClient extension to get a AAD token
This package was used during TechDays 2015 and includes a AppServiceClient extension to get a AAD token
Adds a controller that can proxy requests from Loggly's JavaScript client to help protect your token.
Simple OWIN stateful token authentication middleware for when you want to store token in database
JWT implementation for .NET core
String Token Generator for NET. The size of the token can be provided by parameter.
Owin Framework ITokenStore facility that uses the ICache facility to store tokens