Top 20 NuGet token Packages

ASP.NET Core types and middlewares to accept tokens from Azure B2C and Azure AD tenants. For more info, see the project url
Source code package. An extension which parses the value of the given KeyValuePair<string,object> and replaces any tokens referencing keys in the given data.
A service to help manage JWT access tokens and refresh tokens in C#. Supports: HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512
A JavaScript free OpenID Connect PKCE library for Blazor WebAssembly. Support .NET 8.0 Support .NET 7.0 Support .NET 6.0 Support .NET 5.0 The received ID token is validated by the component in the client using the OpenID Provider (OP) discovery document. The component autom...
此包为 Lycium Token 服务的服务端包
此包为 Lycium Token 服务的客户端包
The token generator for ConvertAPI Rest API.
Lycium Token认证的客户端实现
NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken.Ficoso is part of the NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken set of libraries that can be used to retrieve the auth token to be able to interface with the FICOSO APIs.
NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken.SymmetricEncryption is part of the NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken set of libraries that can be used to encrypt and decrypt the auth token
NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken.Fis is part of the NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken set of libraries that can be used to retrieve the auth token to be able to interface with the FIS SOAP APIs.
JWTs is a simple library for generating and validating JWT tokens and Refresh Tokens. Refresh Tokens are dependent on a database / memory cache and an interface for a simple DAL for storing refresh tokens is included. JWTs can be generated with custom claims, and a DAL is only required when issuing ...
A token based authentication library for AspNet Core.
Zero Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data.
TextDiscovery AngleSharp implementations of IDomInterpreter, IDomNodeFactory, and IHtmlConverter. Enables the following capabilities: mark search hits in the DOM, create HTML excerpts at a given word count with configurable element-breaking rules, and more.
此包为 Lycium Token 服务的公共包
Security, Json Web Token, Password Service, Encrypt, Decrypt, Seguridad, Token de sesión, Servicio de contraseña, encriptador, desencriptador.
Tiny utility encrypting/decrypting texts/objects to/from base64 strings with/without limited lifetime (token)
Provides easy implementation for JWT-based HTTP authentication in an ASP.NET Web API project.
Access token validation middleware for JWT and reference tokens issued by IdentityServer3, based on JWT 5, Owin 4 and IdentityModel 3. Does not support BackchannelHttpHandler/BackchannelCertificateValidator/IntrospectionHttpHandler