Top 20 NuGet tdd Packages

Unit test framework for Bridge.NET projects. Write tests in C#, run them in JavaScript.
A simple async/await, unit-test friendly timer implementation
Simple, yet powerful .NET framework test library with support for BDD.
Defines the IO clients and server contexts that other contexts can use to transport information on a service graph.
Implements the base classes for Powershell instrumentation of service graphs and contexts. Existing commands can be ported with this package.
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with - fluent assertions that are easy to extend - sharp error messages - tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on - AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts - HttpClient - Ado.Net - Streams & Logging TestBase.Mvc is renamed ...
A number of simple methods to test database objects and execute sql. Currently supports Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Given a populated object model at runtime, outputs the C# code to recreate the model independently. Able to handle circular references and list initialisations. Particularly useful for snapshotting WPF ViewModels for use in the WPF designer.
Don't spend hours writing code to mock a dozen dependencies, and more hours debugging it. Just write your test code, and let FixtureBase create the dependencies for you. FixtureBase constructs your UnitUnderTest to test your codebase end-to-end, with external dependencies auto-faked and automatical...
Helper functions for opening test data files. Handles tests running under Live Unit Testing.
A library for creating Behavioral-Driven (Given-When-Then) tests for MicroServices built with the Kingo.MicroServices package.
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This is a meta-package referencing both the library and the code generator.
Simple and fluent web automation - Make it so easy to write a range of tests from functional, smoke to acceptance tests for your web application that there's no excuse not to.
XUnit extensions to aid testing ASP.Net Core-specific properties / attributes etc.
A fluent assertions library that performs full coverage on enumerable types.