Top 20 NuGet tdd Packages

A fluent, portable, testable HTTP client library.
A minimalistic .NET library for testing with mocks.
A BDD-style library for organizing unit tests.
JSTest.NET is a lightweight managed wrapper around the Windows Script Host (CScript.exe) available on any Windows machine. JSTest.NET enables JavaScript unit tests to be run directly in the test framework of your choice (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, etc) without the need for a web browser. JSTest.NET is fo...
Nilgiri is some sort of black tea but it was the only one that started with 'n'... I really liked the BDD Assertion Styles ( in Chai.js when I dabbled in Node. Why not bring them to .NET? Full examples can be found at
STA Extensions for the Microsoft Test Framework - MSTest V2
A lightweight http server for mocking web services and REST resources
Testing helpers using Moq
This package provides just NUnit (v2.6.4) console and gui runners (no x86) for .NET 4. It is a modification of the package NUnit.Runners. DO NOT INSTALL using Visual Studio package manager (not even the console). DO INSTALL with nuget command line: "nuget.exe install nunit.runners.lite -Output...
Test helpers for domain and WCF.
Unit testable classes wrappers for CLR
Provides the NUnit and Moq integration classes for TestFirst.Net. See TestFirst.Net docs
A context/specification test framework, heavily inspired by RSpec
Crawler-Lib Concurrency Testing allows to write unit tests with multiple threads to test the concurrency behavior of components. It has synchronization mechanisms to control the workflow of the threads and to record the execution steps. It is also possible to use it for client/server tests. ...
Collection of various katas to practice Test Driven Development.
Fork of SpecsFor.Mvc project. It is fixed to work with Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6
TypeRegistry for DynamicSpecs, based on AutoFac and FakeItEasy
An adapter that allows Penfold to be run from
Makes it easier to use TDD in building actor systems with Akka.NET
ToolKit that makes it easier to use TDD in building and testing actor systems with Akka.NET