Top 20 NuGet string Packages

An optimized string data structure built from Memory<char> and Span<char> to reduce GC.
Provides a set of general purpose Fluent Assertion extension methods methods extending from Xunit.
Use string interpolation in XAML for Xamarin
IoC friendly C# .netstandard2.0 service interface for asymmetric cryptographic operations.
F# bindings for Stringier.Patterns.
Integensoft utilities
StringEnum is a base class for creating string-valued enums in .NET. Features - Your StringEnum interface looks similar to a regular enum - Provides static Parse() and TryParse() methods and implicit cast to string. - Intellisense will suggest the enum name if the class is annotated with the xml co...
The StringBuilder is optimized to append text and compromises other methods like Replace(..). The TemplateBuilder is available on the StringBuilder as an extension method ‘ToTemplateBuilder()’ and is optimized for replacing variables with values within the templated string. The TemplateBuilder is o...
A simple string builder with fast append performance.
System Extension, Chinese numeric string to Arabic numeric string. Version Description 0.2.0 Add ToChinese():string for int and long. 0.1.0 Add ToArabicNumeral():string and ReplaceByRegex(pattern:string, replacement:string):string for String. 0.2.0 Add ToChinese
String extension methods.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Parses any string into different .NET built-in types using As<T> syntax. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.Util namespace, like if it was install...
A library to parse postgres connection strings
A simple yet versatile .NET tokenized string formatting library written in C# to replace string.Format.
Provides F# support for Stringier.Literary
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
C# 9 and .NET 5