Top 20 NuGet string Packages

It transforms words into cubes. Yep, that's it.
A bunch of helpful extensions that should really be in the standard library
A json string builder, built on `Newtonsoft.Json`'s JToken, using a Fluent DSL syntax, in C#.
Class for infinity iterations on strings, either by indexing ou enumeration.
Converter from/to any type to String. NLog inside to provide errors.
A BK tree implementation for fast, fuzzy string matching. Check out the code and usage instructions on the github page (see package information/project URL link).
Contain extensions that, takes a type and return a string or takes a string and return a type.
Random string generator targeting netstandard1.3
A set of useful extensions for working with strings, spans, enums, and value formatting. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
This package contains extensions for string class and others.
Stringy is a simple and light-weight runtime string interpolation engine. The purpose of the library is to provide something that's easier to use and more light-weight than Runtime Text Templates or RazorEngine, but a little more powerful than string.Replace().
Add data attributes to setting class methods to validate input, set default values etc